They Call Me The Mayor At Riis Beach, Ralph's Beach Parties 1994-2000



8.5 X 11 inches

100 pages

Queer history and fashion lovers will enjoy browsing this momentous book of archival photos, posters, and flyers from Ralph Hopkin’s iconic Beach Parties at The People's Beach at Jacob Riis Park on the Rockaway Peninsula in Queens, NY. More than a collection of over 70 photos, fliers, and posters from 5 parties, including Ralph’s White Oasis Beach Party (1994), Ralph’s Carnival at Riis Beach Party (1996), Ralph’s Red Hot Beach Party (1997), Ralph’s Shade of Blue Party (1998), and Ralph’s Bare as You Dare Beach Party (2000), They Call Me The Mayor At Riis Beach: Ralph’s Beach Parties, 1994–2000 is also a heartfelt celebration of the past and community at Riis Beach, featuring an interview with Ralph detailing the parties’ beginnings, and the concept and decor choices that shaped their origins. These include the iconic silver mylar runway laid on the sand, lively clothing and decor themes, and the invitation for everyday beachgoers to model designer fashions and walk the runway in community on each last summer weekend.

All proceeds go to Ralph Hopkins and green flash projects

Co-designed by Ralph Hopkins with Gilian Rappaport, full credits available in the book

All images copyright Ralph Hopkins

Proceeds go to Ralph Hopkins and green flash projects

Final sale

Related project: Ralph’s Neon Oasis Beach Party

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